Semester 1 / ECTS Credits: 6 ECTS
Course Description:
The main objective of this course is to give basic knowledge about digital forensics, the legal foundations of digital forensics and the principles and practices of digital investigation. Students will gain comprehensive knowledge of the topic covered with the digital forensics theories and practice.
Throughout this course students will learn different techniques and procedures that enable them to perform a digital investigation and explain the legal issues of preparing for and performing digital forensic analysis based on the investigator’s position and duty.
The objective of this course is to emphasize the importance of digital forensics, and to prepare students to conduct a digital investigation in an organized and systematic way. Upon completion of the course students will learn how to apply open-source forensics tools to perform digital investigation and understand the underlying theory behind these tools. Students will learn best practices for general incidence response and the tools and techniques to perform a full computer forensic investigation.
Learning Outcomes:
- Present the legal basis of digital forensics,
- Create a report on digital forensic analysis,
- Categorize digital artefacts,
- Identify digital forensic artefacts,
- Differentiate types of digital forensics,
- Analyze digital forensic artefacts
Course content lectures:
- Introduction to Digital Forensics
- Legal basics of Digital forensics
- Processes and digital forensic branches,
- Four Principles of Digital Forensics,
- Digital forensic investigation process and phases of the digital forensic process,
- Digital forensic artefacts and digital evidence,
- Digital documents artifacts,
- The main challenges of the forensic process, examination of evidence and reporting,
- Principles of Acquisition and Processing of Digital Forensic Evidence,
- Acquisition and processing of internet evidence,
- Acquisition and processing of evidence on computers,
- Machine forensic laboratory equipment,
- Organization of Digital Forensic Team,
- Digital forensics techniques Windows, Mac OS, Linux
- Antiforensics techniques