All relevant statistics on threats and cyberattacks report a huge increase in both attacks and financial losses, making training and development in the field of IT security and digital forensics an issue of national interest.
Cyberattacks on critical infrastructures such as the financial one, transportation, electrical energy or communication can result in significant losses in every sense. The growing trends towards digitalization, connectivity and online work furthermore increase the everyday risk.
According to the National Cyber Security Center (part of GCHQ), the most common vector of attack is spam e-mail containing a malicious link or attachment. The second most common way one’s computer might become compromised is through visiting genuine websites that have been compromised with malicious code (known as a watering hole attack), or advertisements that redirect one to a malicious server that will serve up advertisements to one’s computer (known as malvertising).

It is very important to ensure the possibility of continuous training and education in the field of information security and digital forensics, especially the opportunity for gaining practical knowledge in this field.
The Zagreb University of Applied Sciences has more than 45 computer labs for lab exercise work, and several specialised computer and engineering labs such as Cisco lab, Mac lab, Laboratory of Strength of Materials, InfraRed Lab and LINUX Lab.
Software packages for education are carefully selected and we provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge in the latest engineering tools such as Matlab, SolidWorks, LabView, Autocad, Adobe packages, various tools in the field of programming languages, etc.
Computer infrastructure used by students in the Master Study of Information Security and Digital Forensics is adapted and configured to perform a university laboratory exercises programme through laboratory exercises.
There are 5 computer classrooms where students gain practical knowledge and skills using:
- various software packages
EnCase, FTK, BlackBag Technologies, Secure Cube, FireEye, etc. - a range of open source tools
Kali Linux, Splunk, Wireshark, Volatility, Sanndbox, and numerous others
Some specialised lab exercises from the course Network security are held in a specialised Cisco laboratory, and exercises in the course IT Forensics of Documents and Securities are conducted on the instrument for digital forensics Docucenter 4500 with software PIA 7000.
On top of all that, students can expect:
- Setting up several cloud laboratories with licensed software
In this way, we enable the students to work with specialised forensic software from home or from work. - Recording all lectures and lab work
In this way, we make the material available through our learning management system, and students can upload their lab tasks or seminars there, and even partially write exams throughout their study programme.
The physical equipment and operating systems of our labs are there to ensure that the students get to experience firsthand what the cyberspace environment looks like and how it works. They learn virtualisation technologies, network architectures, information security and cryptography, as well as the laws, policies and regulations that govern cyberspace
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