Semester 1 / ECTS Credits: 6 ECTS
Course Description:
The aim of the Digital Forensics Law course is to acquire knowledge of the legal bases of legal action in digital forensics. It will give special attention to the legal authority and then to the lawful treatment of the exclusion of digital evidence. So that students will be able to understand the importance and know the role of legislation and will be able to evaluate and interpret the work with digital data and information generated by digital forensic analysis in accordance with normative acts. Students will know, in accordance with EU directives, how to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals with regard to data processing and how to ensure the free flow of personal data between Member States. Students will be trained in threat identification and risk analysis, as well as ways to deduce the consequences that may arise from the realization of those threats, especially when it comes to classified information. Students will acquire knowledge of legal regulations relating to the security of business cooperation and be able to expertly assist in the process of obtaining a business security certificate and concluding contracts containing classified information and information. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to select and apply appropriate legal standards in preventative and curative protection against information attacks, and will also be trained in the selection and use, appropriate concepts of PKI encryption and cryptographic protection, as well as digital signatures and digital certificates. Students will also be able to consolidate and relate the results of a digital forensic investigation into the restoration function and establish its foundation on conventions, laws and regulations to conclude the legality of the conduct and the validity of the evidence. Students will learn how to lawfully handle the process of collecting, processing and analyzing digital evidence, preparing digital forensic investigation reports, handling stored and stored digital evidence, and will also be trained to make expert judgments about digital forensic materials in accordance with normative acts.
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will be able to understand the importance and know the role of legal regulation and will be able to evaluate and interpret work with digital data and information generated by digital forensic analysis in accordance with normative acts.
- Students will know, in accordance with EU directives, the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual with regard to data processing and how the free flow of personal data between Member States is ensured.
- Students will be trained to identify threats and risk analysis as well as ways to conclude the consequences that may arise from the realization of these threats, especially when it comes to classified information.
- Students will master the knowledge of legal regulations related to business cooperation security and be able to expertly assist in the process of obtaining a business security certificate and concluding contracts that contain classified information and information.
- Students will be able to choose and use appropriate legal standards in preventative and curative protection against information attacks, and will also be trained in selection and use, appropriate PKI encryption and cryptographic protection concepts, and digital signatures and digital certificates.
- Students will be able to consolidate and link the results of a digital forensic investigation into the function of reconstruction, and to establish its founding on conventions, laws and regulations in order to conclude on the legality of the conduct and validity of evidence.
- Students will learn to legitimately handle the process of collecting, processing and analyzing digital evidence, creating digital forensic investigation reports, handling stored and stored digital evidence, and also being trained to make expert judgments about digital forensic materials in accordance with normative acts.
Course content lectures:
- Cyber security at the global, regional and national level.
- International Strategic and Normative Framework (Resolutions, Conventions, Directives, .).
- Convention on cybercrime.
- The Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism VE.
- Directive (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
- DIRECTIVE 2009/140/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services.
- Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on measures for a high level of security in the area of information and communication networks across the Union.
- Cybernetic Security of Key Operators and Digital Service Providers Act, Electronic Communications Act.
- National legislation and cyber security.
- The National Cyber Security Strategy.
- National Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism.
- Law on the Security Intelligence System of the Republic of Croatia, Information Security Act.
- Security Policy and Information Risk Management.
- Role and Tasks: UVNS, ZSIS and National CERT in the Information Security System of the Republic of Croatia.
- Directive on Information Security Measures.
- Secrecy Act, Rulebook on Data Secrecy.
- The Electronic Commerce Act, the Electronic Signature Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, authoring and related in virtual environments.
- Basic Legal Framework for Criminal Investigation and Criminal Procedure (pre-trial and investigation).
- Criminal process framework.
- Criminal Procedure Act.
- International Legal Co-operation in Criminal Matters.
- Law on Police Affairs and Authorities, Law on the State Attorney’s Office.
- Organizational structure of police and other state bodies for criminal investigation.
- Standard operating procedures for handling digital evidence.
- Sources of digital evidence.
- Recognition and treatment of exclusion of digital evidence.
- Review and search of digital evidence holders and their exclusion.
- Lawful interception by carrying out special evidence actions and applying secret data collection measures.
- Packaging, transfer and storage of digital evidence, a chain of evidence, Structuring the forensic report.
- Civil Procedure Act , expert judgment of materials created by digital forensics, digital evidence reconstruction, digital evidence.