The MSc Study Programme Information Security and Digital Forensics for part-time specialist graduates takes four (IV) semesters.
Upon finishing the Study, a student obtains 120 ECTS credit points, and receives a degree of the Professional Specialist Engineer of Information Security and Digital Forensics. A maximum of 15 students will be accepted into the programme in the academic year 2021/2022.
You can find more information below, or download the full document here.
The right to apply is acquired through the classification procedure. The Commission for the Implementation of the Classification Procedure considers all of the applications separately, and decides who fulfils the conditions for applying for the classification procedure.
To enrol, the applicants are required to hold a bachelor’s degree (180ECTS) in computer science, or have equivalent work experience if coming from a different background. Familiarity with the basics of programming and basics of computer networks is a must. Applicants from other areas would prove their knowledge with work experience in the field of information or computer security, application development, systems engineering or similar.
Depending on the courses completed in their previous study, as well as the courses that the applicant wants to enrol in the Specialist Graduate Professional Study – Information Security and Digital Forensics, the Commission for the Implementation of the Classification Procedure may determine the obligation to enrol and take differentiated courses in Professional study of computer science (up to 20 ECTS credits).
The costs of enrolment fees and tuition fees for part-time students are determined by the Prior Consent of the Governing Board on the amount of tuition fees, and the Decision of the Expert Council of the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences regarding the amount of tuition fees. The above decision is made for each academic year, and published on the website of the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences.
Submission of documentation for application shall be made in accordance with the instructions, published with the application, on the website https://spec.tvz.hr , https://www.tvz.hr and https://isf.tvz.hr .
When applying, it is obligatory to submit:
- a CV with a description of previous work experience and current workplace (europass form);
- citizenship data, and for Croatian citizens a printout from the application e-Građani-domovnica (Certificate of Citizenship);
- Birth certificate, and for Croatian citizens a printout from the application e-Građani- rodni list s OIB-om (Birth certificate with PIN);
- a copy of the passport for citizens from outside of the Republic of Croatia;
- from a higher education institution – a certified transcript of grades with ECTS credits for each course, or a copy of the diploma supplement, and, for applicants who have not completed their studies at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences or one of the institutions whose legal successor is the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, a certified curriculum, all original;
- a copy of the diploma or certificate of the final exam certified by a notary public (remains in the student’s file until the end of the study). (Applicants who are not able to submit complete documentation within the specified terms because they need to complete their studies in September have the obligation to submit the remaining documents in accordance with the instructions that will be published on the website before application)
- proof of payment of the classification procedure fees in the amount of HRK 250.00, paid according to the instructions from this Competition or from https://www.tvz.hr/upisi/diplomski/
- proof of employment status, i.e. length of service (for Croatian citizens, an electronic document downloaded from the e-Građani portal is recognized)
- a blank A4 envelope with the correct applicant address printed on it
- if the person applying for the classification procedure has not completed his/her studies on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, he/she is obliged to submit a Decision of Recognition of Equal Values of Final Certificates and Diplomas obtained abroad.
Applications without complete documentation will not be considered. Subsequent documents will not be considered.
Along with the original documents submitted by the applicants during the application for the Competition, upon enrollment have to submit:
- one photograph (4 cm x 6 cm) (details of enrolment in the “enrolment steps”);
- proof of payment of enrolment fee in the amount of HRK 250.00 – payment slip numbers are listed below;
- a copy of the identity card with insight into the original (details of enrolment in the “enrolment steps”);
- proof of payment of tuition (details of enrolment in the “steps of enrolment” according to the instructions on http://www.tvz.hr/upisi/diplomski/.
If the applicant withdraws from enrolment, he/she can collect the documents from the application during the regular office hours of the student service.
The academic year usually starts early October and ends in July the following year. Academic calendar for the academic year 2021/2022 you can download here.
Applications for the classification procedure are done electronically in accordance with the deadlines published on the website https://spec.tvz.hr. This is a necessary step for applying for the classification procedure, and it is not possible to access the classification procedure and submit documentation without it.
The terms of the application procedure will be published on the website https://spec.tvz.hr, and on the websites https://www.tvz.hr and https://isf.tvz.hr.
Steps of enrollment in the winter semester (III semester) of the academic year 2021/22.
Applicants will be informed about the date of the interview and the classification exam through the bulletin board of the student service and on https://www.tvz.hr/upisi/diplomski/
After the completion of the classification procedure, the results will be published on the website https://www.tvz.hr/upisi/diplomski/, and on the bulletin board of the student service of the Specialist Graduate Professional Study of Information Security and Digital Forensics.
The exact expected date for the results will be announced while applying for the classification procedure on the websites https://www.tvz.hr and https://isf.tvz.hr.
There will be an appeal procedure provided 24 hours after the publication of the results.
The enrolment procedure begins after the publication of the final list.
Student service address: Vrbik 8a, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
The classification procedure for part-time students is based on the following:
- success in the undergraduate study with which the applicant applies after completing the study with which he/she has acquired a minimum of 180 ECTS credits (grade point average of study without grade of the Final Thesis);
- achieved success in undergraduate study in the course of Basics of Programming and Basics of Computer Networks;
- work experience in the profession and knowledge of the profession;
- Interview with the Commission for the Implementation of the Classification Procedure;
Work experience is evaluated by the Commission for the implementation of the classification procedure in an interview with the applicant based on the insight into the certificate of work experience, and the statement of the applicant on work experience in the profession.
1 | Success achieved in undergraduate studies: up to 400 points
The grade point average during the study is multiplied by 80 |
2 | Work experience up to 200 points: 1 point for each month of service according to the certificate |
3 | Knowledge of the profession: up to 400 points shown in the classification exam |
4 | Achieved success in undergraduate study in the course of Basics of Programming and Basics of Computer Networks: up to 100 points. |
PAYMENTS: HUB3A payment slip in 3 copies.
Recipient: «Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Vrbik 8», IBAN or the recipient’s account number: HR8023600001101350801.
In the reference number, please enter: Model:«HR05», «3700-PIN3» for part-time students.
Description of payment: «SPEC. INFORMACIJSKA SIGURNOST I DIG. FORENZIKA – troškovi upisa» («SPEC. INFORMATION SECURITY AND DIG. FORENSICS – enrollment costs »).
An example of a payment slip is published on the page http://www.tvz.hr/upisi/diplomski/
For bank transfers:
IBAN: HR80 23600001101350801
Payment reference:3710-JMBAG or PIN*
Amount: 250,00 HRK
Note: Please make sure to provide the payment reference in your transfer.
*PIN – Personal Identification Number
Information about the ordinance on studying at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences can be found here.
If you will still have doubts about the programme, we tried to cover the most common questions in our Frequently Asked Questions section below. For any additional questions about the application process or requirements, feel free to send an e-mail here.
We would require a confirmation or recommendation from the company where you have acquired relevant experience. If found necessary, you would have to enrol in additional elective courses in the fields of basics of programming and computer network fundamentals in the first semester.
If you have not completed an adequate bachelor’s degree and have no relevant work experience in programming and computer networking, you may still apply and enrol in additional elective courses in the fields of basics of programming and computer network fundamentals in the first semester.
Unfortunately, no. The programme is designed for people who already hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.
The price of ECTS points is 500 HRK per ECTS point.
The total amount of tuition for one semester is 15,000.00 HRK.
Fees for TVZ programmes are subject to change, and can be found online at http://www.tvz.hr/. These annual fees can usually be paid either at the start of the academic year, or alternatively in two payments at the start of each semester (October, February).
The results will be announced mid-September.
Applicants with schooling that has been completed outside of Croatia must enclose an official transcript for evaluation by an accredited credential evaluation agency. Please ask for a course-by-course evaluation with grades.
All necessary documentation can be scanned and sent via e-mail, but we would still require the original documents or their transcripts once the academic year starts. Those documents are to stay in TVZ archives.