We pride ourselves in bringing hands-on knowledge to the table, which is why we always try to collaborate closely with the industry. Our partners in this project have the right expertise for the ever-changing field of cyber security.

Diverto d.o.o. was founded in 2007 with the mission of providing a high level of information security to companies, institutions and other organizations operating in various activities. They protect their clients from security threats that can cause theft of confidential information, financial loss and reputational damage.
They employ highly qualified and motivated professionals who have a personal fondness for information and cyber security, as well as exceptional technical skills in this field.

Sedam IT d.o.o. started their story in 2003 and was very soon included in the TOP 500 technologically fastest-growing companies in the EMEA region. In their business circle, they are known as real masters for development and delivery of both their own and renowned vendor ICT solutions. Their ownership is 100% Croatian, but they strive to constantly prove themselves on large international projects. As of 2019, they have become one of the most successful domestic companies in the software industry, with the highest percentage growth in exports in 2018.
They operate in four cities, together with two internal startups and one daughter company, which enables them to provide a complete service. It also allows them to quickly and successfully achieve the business goals of all their users.
Their employees have over 300 certificates, and some of them hold some of the most prestigious certifications, the kind only a few people in the world have attained! In addition to individual achievements, they also have numerous internationally recognized statuses, putting them in the company of the most prestigious and competitive businesses in the region and beyond.
Having insight in how the industry works and having practical knowledge is of great importance for future employment, which is why some of our teachers come from this sector providing valuable knowledge to our students. Meet the teachers!