Goran Sirovatka is Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Zagreb, with vast experience in leading and participating in projects in companies and state level. He graduated University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics, and now he is preparing Ph.S. Thesis at University of Zadar – Quality of Education. He worked as teacher at elementary school, Military Academy, Editor for Educational Software in Publishing Company Naprijed, Editor for Mathematics and Technical books, vice Editor in Chief for Natural & Technical Science, and Director for South East publishing in Publishing house Školska knjiga, Principal of NCEEE in charge of introduction of matriculation exam, and form 2013. Is working on Zagreb Universitiy of Applied Science as Lecturer in Computer Science and Head of Life long Learning Unit. Write speak and publish in field of computer science, pedagogy and interaction of computers and humans. Teach form math, programming, cryptography, knowledge management, human computer interaction. Actively participated in developing three study accredited program, and four ESF project. He is one of authors of book “We teach lifelong learning and teaching: A GUIDE FOR ADULT EDUCATION TEACHERS” publish by AA&VET. He is certified Teacher trainer.