Associate Professor, Krunoslav Antoliš, Police advisor, Ministry of Interior Croatia
B.Sc. & MSc. in mathematics; MSc. of Law and Business Informatics; PhD. of Social Sciences in the field of information science; Associate Professor and Senior Research Associate of social sciences in the field of information and communication science; Assistant Professor and Research associate of social sciences in the field of security and defense science. College professor with permanent appointment of social sciences in the field of information and communication science. Professor Police College – BC, PA, Ministry of Interior Croatia. Member of the Council for Supervision of Secret Services, the Croatian Parliament 2003 – 2011
The Chairman of the Council for Civilian Oversight of Security and Intelligence Agencies, Croatian Parliament 2011 – 2015.
As the author and co-author of numerous books and over forty scientific papers in the country and abroad. He has participated in over a hundred international conferences where more than half of that number is participating abroad. He has been an organizer and program designer of numerous international discussions and workshops. He attended numerous scientific and professional trainings in the country and abroad (USA, England, Germany, Poland …).
He has participated as a member of the 25 organizational / program committee of international scientific / professional conferences, and as the president of 4 organizational committee and three program committees of international conferences.
He was the chairman of the research project “New security threats and critical national infrastructure”, and the chairman of the government Commission for the preparation of the “Draft Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism,” and as a member of the project team participated in 10 international projects, 7 national research projects and 4 national expert and 2 international expert projects.
He is a member of five professional associations, and three years was the executive director of the association, George C. Marshall Club Croatia.